Mental Health Services in Southern California: Accessing the Best Care

At Kaiser Permanente, many mental health and addiction medicine services and resources are available to you. We'll help you understand your options and provide the best care for your needs. Learn more about accessing quality mental health services in Southern Calif

Mental Health Services in Southern California: Accessing the Best Care

At Kaiser Permanente, many mental health and addiction medicine services and resources are available to you. We'll help you understand your options and provide the best care for your needs. However, the state of California is unable to meet the growing need for mental health and substance abuse treatment. Among adults in the state with mental illnesses, 62% receive no mental health treatment, placing California well below the national average of 56%.

In order to address this crisis, it is important to understand the current state of mental health care in California. The Golden State ranks among the worst in terms of access to mental health care, with only three states (Florida, Georgia, and Hawaii) ranking lower than California. To help provide support, there are a variety of mental health resources from various federal and Southern California agencies. Clinical Psychology is one such resource that can help individuals learn the tools they need to turn to healthy survival mechanisms, rather than unhealthy ones.

Unfortunately, there aren't enough mental health providers or centers in Southern California to address this crisis among young people. In addition, two state legislators have proposed a bill that would allow California parents to sue social media companies over the mental health effects of social media addiction. Among homeless youth, more than one-third identify as LGBTQ, according to the California Youth Coalition, one of Southern California's leading mental health associations. Tucker has extensive experience in the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health and Correctional Systems, in state mental health systems, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and at the Federal Veterans Administration Medical Center, where he established the first suboxone clinic in the VA system in the entire country. In fact, Southern California has one of the worst rankings in the United States when it comes to access to addiction and mental health therapy. Part of the problem is the shortage of behavioral health therapies in California, as well as the limited number of anxiety and depression treatment centers in the state.

At Southern California Medical Center, we'll guide you to find the best mental health centers for your needs. Whether it's the Newport Institute or another California mental health treatment center, you'll never have to worry about not being able to afford treatment. It is important to remember that access to quality mental health care is essential for individuals struggling with addiction or mental illness. With a variety of resources available from federal and Southern California agencies, it is possible to find the best care for your needs.